If you rent out your property or it is genuinely available for rent, you can claim deductions for most of the expenses you incur in these periods.
You only claim deductions for the expenses that relate to the income-producing use of the property.
You can't claim a deduction for expenses for your personal use of the property.
There are three rental expense categories, those for which you:
- can claim a deduction now (in the income year you incur the expense) – for example, interest on loans, council rates, repairs and maintenance and depreciating assets costing $300 or less
- can claim a deduction over several years – for example, borrowing expenses and the decline in value of depreciating assets
- can't claim a deduction – for example, personal expenses, and the purchase of second-hand (or used) depreciating assets after 9 May 2017.
Source: ATO